Blog number 13!

Happy Tuesday Funky Fans!

Sorry this was supposed to be up last night but toddler G decided to take a verrrrrrrrry long time going to sleep and I accidentally fell asleep too!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed some hot weather last week and a lovely sunny bank holiday!

Here are some of our latest activities I hope you enjoy them us much as we did.


Cardboard car track

Our cardboard collection has been mounting up as what we are saving on fuel we are spending on online deliveries!

If you have an enormous amount of cardboard too then I really really recommend this activity as it was fun to make and kept toddler G happy for ages.

You will need a large cardboard box, some small boxes or things to make sheds out of, we used polystyrene as well as cardboard here, toilet rolls, some paint and a hot glue gun. You can use tape too but a hot glue gun works the best.

Get your little one to paint the toilet rolls in 4 different colours and paint 4 colours of roads on the large piece of cardboard.

Stick the rolls over the road to create tunnels and place the coloured sheds at the end of the roads.

Just a tip, make sure you have the right coloured cars to go with the roads!

Toddler G had great fun matching the colours of the cars to the roads and putting them in the sheds.

The tunnels were really effective as he loved pushing the cars through them.


Water wall

I have wanted to make a water wall forever and have been putting it off as I thought we should wait to buy the right sort of equipment but as that doesn’t really count as essential shopping we decided to have a hunt around the house and make a water wall out of whatever we found and it worked so well.


We decided to use the utility wall as it’s already marked from the chalk we drew on the wet wall and also toddler G decorated it with a crayon too so it definitely needed painting anyway!

You could also use a garden fence or big piece of wood, panelling, large piece of plastic etc. Anything you can stand upright and is strong enough to glue things too.

You will also need a hot glue gun. If you don’t already have a hot glue gun, I really recommend buying one. They are so useful for these crafts and very easy to use.

You will need to search around your house for plastic, we used milk bottles, shampoo bottles, plastic bowls and cups.

Please be careful when cutting in to these and be mindful of sharp edges.

We washed everything thoroughly and cut holes in the bottom of the bowls and we cut the bottles in to halves to create channels for the water.

I roughly drew out where everything should go so it would work on the wall and then we went outside to stick them to the wall.

Toddler G did rather see it as a challenge to pull everything off to begin with but once they were all up and I gave him a bucket of water with a jug on one end and another bucket to catch the water at the other end he had a great time pouring!


Sensory cave

This is such a lovely idea for babies and toddlers and a great one for a rainy day.

You will need a large box, big enough for your little one to get in to, or you could make a tunnel out of smaller cardboard boxes.

You will also need to dig out your Christmas tree lights.

Poke holes in to the box and insert the top of the fairy light in to the little hole, repeat this until most of the fairy lights are all inside the box.

To make it extra dark you can throw a blanket over the top too. Then pop a rug down to make it super cosy!
Toddler G loves making tunnels to crawl through and he was really excited by the addition of the fairy lights.

I sort of thought this might be a nice calm activity but that wouldn’t be true at all but it was a lot of fun.


Flower pictures

Do you have friends or family with birthdays in lockdown? We have discovered a super easy crafty flower activity that is fun to do with little ones and also looks really effective on cards.

Cut out petals and let your little one decorate them any way they want, paint colouring pens, glitter etc and then gently bend them in the middle and stick them around a circle.

Draw a stem, stick on a leaf and hey presto a beautiful flower to keep or to send to any loved ones that you and your family might be missing.


Collecting colours

Are you teaching your child colours? This is a great learning game and toddlers really do enjoy it as they love being given tasks to do.

We took egg boxes and painted the inside different colours and then we went on a hunt to see if we could find something of each colour to put in the separate sections.

We did this activity three times, once in the house, once in the garden and once on our walk and toddler G really enjoyed spotting the different colours and then putting them in the egg box to take back and show daddy.

This is great for teaching them about colours but also patience too as it may take a little while to find something of each colour.



That is it from me Funky Fans. I really hope you are all doing okay. It looks like we may be nearing the end of this, which is excellent for many reasons, one of them being I am running out of ideas for this blog!


What are you most looking forward to once we are all allowed out and free once more?

I have been busy keeping a post pandemic bucket list so we will never be allowed to say we have nothing to do ever again!


Toddler G has changed so much in the last 2 months so I can’t wait to take him to the places we used to go to all the time to see what he thinks of them now.


Thank you to any of my friends who read and share these blogs, I really hope they offer you some ideas and we miss you all so much! Toddler G cannot wait to have you all over for a play date and I can’t wait to have some fellow mummy chats over tea and cake!

Sending you all love Funky Families!

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