Dealing with a Toddler’s Quirks

It’s amazing that almost from birth our babies exude their own personality; even without the power of speech they can make us laugh, keep us company and show us unlimited amounts of affection.

As they become mobile they start developing their own tastes and habits along with some quirks that are often difficult to deal with.

Baby Spiderman
Many quirks revolve around clothes, as some toddlers will become attached to a favourite bodysuit or playsuit never wanting to change into a clean one. One nephew of mine spent three months in a Spiderman outfit as his parents removed and washed the outfit as he slept.
It’s when these quirks arise that we begin to notice the famous tantrums; with the terrible twos on the horizon we try anything to prevent an outburst. Yet sometimes just a simple misunderstanding can create tears as our toddlers become frustrated while they try to communicate their wishes.

Female toddlers especially will centre their quirks on clothes, either the lack of or the wearing of. Some toddlers hate to wear baby vests or bibs and will prefer being as naked as the day they were born regardless of the company you have. Other’s will demand that you put bodysuit on top of bodysuit making them resemble the Michelin man as they find it difficult to walk whilst others will develop a shoe fetish preferring big sisters shoes to their own.

Natural Fibres Solve Many Problems
Natural fibres can solve many of these problems, I’m sure if my nephew’s Spiderman costume was made from 100% cotton he wouldn’t have developed the heat rashes he did. A good playsuit or vest that breathes using natural fibres can convince even the most naturists of toddlers to give clothes a go.

Softer bibs also prevent pulling as when they fit snugly toddlers hardly notice they’re on, the bandana bib also pleases the fashion conscious as they can choose from a range of designs that suit their own personality.

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