Don’t Let Spills Ruin Your Child’s Lunch Experience

Bibs are generally associated with young children but they are becoming increasingly popular for use for people of all ages. There are a number of reasons for this trend. The ageing population means there are more people reaching an age when tremors or other medical conditions make eating more challenging. Parents of special needs children are also eager to find discrete and effective ways to help their older children at mealtimes. Fortunately, our adult bibs provide a range of stylish options for both older children and adults.

Older Kids vs Meals
Dealing with physical challenges is difficult. No one wants to feel or look different. Having difficulty performing the complicated moves required to consistently connect food with their mouths can be both frustrating and embarrassing. For children, this may only become an issue when the child reaches a certain age, starts school, or otherwise begins to eat around non-family members. That embarrassment and frustration can create huge issues for children and their caregivers.

One of the keys to minimizing problems is to plan ahead.

Help Them Pick Their Battles
Some foods are obviously much easier to consume neatly than others. Minimize problems in public for your child by having him or her bring food that is simpler to manage. Food that can be picked up and eaten with fingers can be a great option.

Finger foods are always popular with children but nothing having to manage a fork or spoon with make things much easier for your child. Think about chunks of vegetables (with dip, if that wont create problems), chicken nuggets, and slices of fruit. Save the soups, curries, and anything that needs to be cut up for meals at home. Cutting sandwiches into smaller segments can make them easier to manage.

Beware of anything that might be difficult for your child to open. No one wants to ask for help jamming a straw into a resistant juice box or prying open the top on a fruit cup. There are a number of options to investigate to find a great option for your child. Bento boxes, with their separate compartments can be a fun, child-friendly way to keep food divided but accessible could be a good option. A insulated, screw top mug may be easier for your child to open than a pre-package juice box.

Plan for Mishaps
Spills will happen. Our adult-sized bibs can be a good way for children to plan for spills. Our colourful selection of styles and designs can help you coordinate these bandana-style bibs into your childs wardrobe. These can quickly absorb spilled foods or liquids and then be removed after the meal to leave your child neat and clean to face the rest of the day. You can purchase them in a large range of colours and styles so that there is always a clean one to match your childs current choice of clothing.

Get Good Utensils
One of the things that can trip up children with challenges eating is the type of silverware they are trying to use. Plastic forks and spoons can be awkward and slippery. The silverware provided in many school cafeterias can be difficult to use. Spoons that are deeper may make it easier to keep liquids in the spoon and off your child. For forks, notice the size, shape, and placement of the tines. These can make a big difference in how easy it is to use. The handles of silverware will also have a huge impact on your childs ability to get a steady grip.

Trial Run
Your child will be more comfortable and confident after a bit of practice. Once youve gathered together everything together, try serving a sample lunch to your child at home. This gives both of you a chance to see if there are any problems. Make sure your child is able to open any containers and use the utensils without any undue difficulty. You might even want to repeat this over a few days of lunches so your child has a chance to become comfortable. Once you have food, bibs, and lunch gear that works well, your childs lunches are more likely to proceed headache-free.

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