Education is a basic human right. It is a tool to empower individuals to find opportunities for development. It is vital in fighting poverty, improving child mortality, keeping population growth in check, achieving peace and equality, and maintaining sustainable development.
Here in the developed countries, we take education for granted because it is easily available. However, there are still over 759 million adults all over the world who are deprived of this basic human right and two thirds of them are women.
Funky Giraffe believes that we don’t need to make big sacrifices to support literacy. To join us in supporting International Literacy Day you can:
• Spread the news about the day
• Donate books to your local schools or charity
• Start your own reading
• Volunteer to read to children in your local library
• Send your literacy story to UNESCO
The celebration is global, so we encourage all our customers not only in the UK, but internationally to join in and support International Literacy Day.