Are you planning to see us at The Baby Show later this month at the Excel Centre? If you are maybe these tips will come in extra handy! Please stop by and say hello!
Be prepared! Never underestimate the planning stage of any excursions when you have a baby or toddler in tow! Time spent before you leave the house on thinking and packing what you will need will save lots of tears ( yours and theirs) later!
Be flexible! You might not be able to stick to your normal routine. You might not be able to warm up the food for example, that’s why planning is so important, so you have options with you. Top tip! Think about taking a vacuum flask filled with hot water, which you can use to fill a bowl to warm/ take the chill off your baby’s food.
Get packing! Make sure you pop extra clothes, a couple of bibs and baby wipes in the changing bag, in case of spills. And as we all know, babies quite literally feed their faces, as well as themselves!
Gather up your frozen assets! Pack any food in a cool bag, a small one is fine, with an icepack to keep the food chilled.
Buy plastic bowls with a lid, these serve a dual purpose as they not only store the food, but also store any unwanted food, you might not be able to throw away, after baby has eaten.
Don’t booby trap your day! Breastfeeding is obviously the most convenient way to feed baby on the go, as there is no need for any extra equipment! Choose clothes that are easy to access and you feel comfortable in.Top tip! If you are wearing a buttons down the front top or shirt, unbutton from the bottom upwards. Maybe wear a vest/tank top underneath to keep your tummy covered.
We say, never allow anyone to make you feel uncomfortable about breast feeding your baby in public, if you are relaxed, your baby will be too.
Bringing a bottle? If you are bottle feeding, for sheer convenience, consider using ready to feed formula packs, although these can be quite expensive. You can also get pre- measured packs of powered formula, which means you don’t have to worry about the amounts. The cheapest solution however, is simply to measure it out at home in to small containers. The easiest solution if you do not want to go down the shop bought, ready made route, is to make the bottles up on the go with your pre measured formula and previously boiled water stored in a thermos flask. Professionals advise, to continue to sterilise your baby’s bottle until they are a year old. If you are going to make up the bottles at home, you need to be sure to store them correctly. Prepared bottles can only be kept at room temperature for an hour before they must be discarded. If you are not going to use it within that timeframe, you need to store it in a cool pack. Top tip! Do not be tempted to keep any formula left in the bottle if your child leaves it, you must throw it away.
What tips can you share? Do you have a portable high chair or mini food dicer? Do you find it easy to breastfeed in public or has recent publicity put you off?