Most babies take to solids like a duck to water. But some babies are so hooked on milk that they refused solids point-blank, making weaning resembles a full on battle. For milkaholic babies, eating with spoon is totally intolerable. They will leave you in no doubt what you can do with your spoon, and that definitely doesn’t include putting the spoon in their mouth.
If your baby happens to be a milkaholic, you need to approach weaning gently. Force, coercion and bribery will not work, and you and your baby will simply end up miserable. And your mealtime will have more drama than a cheap soap opera.
Your baby may be little, but when it comes to eating, he knows what he wants. But not all is lost. You need patience and strategy. But first, if your baby is less than six months old and is still thriving on milk, don’t make a big issue of it. Leave weaning until he is six months, the age health professionals recommend to start weaning. There is no point going into battle when it is not necessary.
Give your baby time to adjust
Start by cutting your baby’s milk intake by a third, giving him non-milk fluids as replacement. At feeding time, before offering him milk, try giving him a tiny amount of solid food. If he refuses, don’t push. However, don’t give up either. Try pattern for a week. If this doesn’t work, further reduce the milk by half. Follow the same process. When babies are hungry, they will eat. So, when your baby shows any sign of hunger, offer solids first.
If your baby dislikes eating with the spoon, try giving him foods he can eat with his hands. At mealtimes, sit your baby at the table with you, and let him play with his food. It is natural for babies explore objects with their mouth. By allowing him to explore the food without pressure, you are giving him a chance to associate food with positive feelings, rather than misery.
Allowing your baby to play with food seems contrary to good table manners, but during weaning, your main goal is to let your baby enjoy food, not good manners. You will have time to teach your baby good table manners when he has mastered eating.
Check for other potential problem
Your baby’s refusal to eat solids may not be due to sheer stubbornness, so check for other potential problem. Does he have difficulty swallowing or chewing? If that’s the case, speak to your GP.