Top tips for travelling on public transport with your baby

The Lord Mayor’s Show takes place in London on 8 November this year and this got us thinking about travelling on public transport with small children in tow!

Even if you are not heading into the capital we hope you find these tips a useful aid if you are a mum or dad on the go!

Some peaks are best avoided!  Try and plan your journey to ensure you avoid rush hour. It will be far easier for you to get on and off transport, to avoid crowded platforms and to find a seat, if you avoid the crush hour!

Top tip! Always make sure your baby is securely fastened in their pushchair, brakes are applied and hold onto the buggy if you are waiting near to the tube or train platforms in order to avoid unnecessary accidents.

Get Appy!  There are several great apps out there to help you plan your journey around tube stations with lifts or have stair free access. Take a look at Gobabyapp and

Sling and go!  You might like to consider putting your baby in a sling, as you will be far more mobile, if you are not trying to handle a buggy, a baby, a changing bag etc! It will also help to have your hands free should you have other children to look after, for example.

The wheels on the bus go round and round... You might feel more comfortable getting a bus, rather than a tube. All London buses have low-floors to enable wheelchair access. You are allowed to use the wheelchair space for your buggy, but would need to make way for a wheelchair user if necessary as they have priority.  Transport For London say, “If you are using a double buggy, feel free to get on the bus at the back exit doors, but remember to check with the driver first.”

Size really does matter!  It isn’t always the case that biggest is best and certainly not when you are trying to get on and off tubes, buses and trains! If possible, buy a compact, lightweight, cheap buggy that is easy to fold.

Water baby? Depending on where you are headed in London, you might be able to take a boat. There are several ferry operators on the Thames.

Black cabs - this is obviously the most expensive option, but black cabs are big enough inside to take an unfolded buggy.

Feet first!  Why not think about walking? There are lots of fabulous sights and sounds to see around London and sometimes the distances between all of them are not as far as you think. is a really useful website as it calculates how long it could take you to walk places- not just in London, but all over the country.

Ask for help!  If you need help, ask....

Have you any top tips for travelling with tots?  If you don’t live in London, how do you find getting around on pubic transport? 

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